Our Message
A message from Ohara Pharmaceutical
In 2001, with the beginning of the 21st century, Ohara entered into a strategic alliance with three trading companies with the aim of achieving a new company mission, “Creation and Symbiosis”. With business units focused on developing products targeting orphan diseases, especially in the area of pediatric oncology, as well as a generic drug business unit serving a rapidly aging population, Ohara aims to meet society’s needs of “somehow curing this intractable disease” and the hopes of having “an aging society that can live comfortably”.
In order to achieve this, a strong collaboration with a network of companies, health care institutions, and medical personnel is required, and Ohara has established itself as a network-based company to establish these critical relationships. This is especially important to fully understand the actual needs in the medical practice, and to try to link this with 21st century innovations such that healthcare solutions such as drugs, medical devices and other innovative products can be developed and used in Japan as well as the rest of the world. By doing so, we aim to impact and save as many lives as possible.
Currently, the environment for healthcare treatment options and treatment results are improving. In this regard, at Ohara, we are aiming to provide not only treatment options for patients, but also aiming to identify and develop innovative tools to improve the quality of diagnosis, prevention and after care in an effort to become a Total Healthcare Solution company for patients.